Watch for some of the following potential infidelity signs:
- They begin to stay out late, or go out more often than usual.
- They may start to look after themselves more, and begin going to the gym, or dressing up more often.
- Their clothes may frequently smell of alcohol, smoke, perfume or aftershave.
- They clear their computer history, utilise free email accounts such as gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc...,
- They spend odd hours or unusually long times on their computer, change screen display when you enter the room.
- They may use a password on their accounts where previously they haven’t.
- They are not interested in sex as much.
- They are unusually defensive or start ignoring you.
These are just a few of the many signs that your partner may be "having an affair." Our comprehensive service is customised for each individual client and offers a professional surveillance operative to conduct discreet covert matrimonial and investigations, anywhere in the UK.
At the conclusion of the investigation we provide each client with a full detailed report including photographs, video if required, and sequential log of movements. This provides you, the client, with undeniable evidence of any unfaithful behaviour.
Confidentiality and integrity are of paramount priority with DPJ Process Servers Ltd.